Hi, my name is Callan. This design portfolio represents my skills in the digital and software area. Some things about me: I have 4 members in my family, I used to live in South Africa, but moved to New Zealand 5 years ago, when I was ten. I am now 15 years of age and enjoy writing and reading. My inpiration for DIT is to really understand computers and how they work to enhance my knowledge.
I have immersed myself in the world of digital coding for just over 5 years. From Scratch coding to Python and even notepad++. Once I learned all I could from Scratch, I wanted to move to something bigger. So I took DIT, in order to improve my skills and expand my knowledge. Right now I am learning, Tic80, Python and Notepad++. I still use scratch sometimes. I also use: Google docs, google slides, google forms, google sheets, google and spotify.